Be Well My Body
On Demand

Gain access to videos and classes in Pilates, Stretching, Foam Rolling, Yamuna Body Rolling, Energy work, and more!

Be Well My Body
On Demand

Gain access to videos and classes in Pilates, Stretching, Foam Rolling, Yamuna Body Rolling, Energy work, and more!

Enjoy Be Well My Body’s growing library of wellness videos. This is your one stop shop to create wellness from the inside out. Create an account with and you’ll be given access to a variety of videos including Pilates, Stretching, Yamuna Body Rolling, Foam Rolling, Energy Work, Meditation, and more. There are currently over 90 videos and counting. Be Well My Body On Demand also comes in App form. This is an essential resource for dancers, athletes, and those with chronic pain that need to keep their joints healthy and mobile. Gain access to all of these videos for $150/yearly subscription. Contact for more information.