Meet Shannon

Shannon Hershman graduated high school 1 year early to attend La Roche College in Pittsburgh, PA on scholarship. She graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. in biology and minor in both performing arts & psychology. While in school, she danced professionally with Bodiography Contemporary Ballet for 5 seasons. Upon graduation, in addition to dancing with BCB, she worked as an ABA Therapist for children with autism and became certified in Pilates mat through PHI Pilates. In 2007, despite being offered a company position with GroundWorks Dance Theater in Cleveland, OH, she decided to move to Chicago. Here she danced on scholarship with River North Chicago Dance and Giordano Dance Chicago. Shortly thereafter, she danced with Cerqua-Rivera Dance Theater and completed her professional dance career with Inaside Chicago Dance from 2009-2013. In 2014, she completed the BASI™ Comprehensive Pilates Program. She was the runner up for the Kathy Grant Scholarship.

Shannon was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis, an autoimmune disease, in 2001. At the time, multiple doctors said it was incurable and that she would be on medication for the rest of her life. If left untreated, it could cause blindness and spinal fusion. Thankful that she danced professionally, movement and pain management techniques kept her going for the next 12 years. In pursuit of modalities that would ease chronic pain, she became certified in TriggerPoint Foam Rolling, Yamuna Body Rolling®, and Yamuna Foot Fitness®. In 2013, at the age of 30, Shannon was determined to find a permanent solution to her disease. She began researching and soon discovered the power of a low fat, whole food plant-based diet. Her symptoms were completely gone in just a few weeks and she was permanently off medication within 1 month. She remains in remission to this day.

Fueled by the misinformation given to her and discovering the power within herself to heal, Shannon became devoted to helping others. Since then her continuing education has been extensive. She holds a Plant Based Nutrition Certification from eCornell. Shannon is a Level 2 Fascia Stretch Therapist. She was trained directly by Ann and Chris Frederick, the founders of Fascia Stretch Therapy™ and the Stretch to Win institute. Shannon is also a Holy Fire® Reiki Master, CranioSacral Therapist, and Quantum Energy Healer. Most recently, she was interviewed by Darren Starwynn on SoulSearch TV and shortly thereafter, she was the recipient of the “Pilates for Menopause Scholarship” from the Center of Women’s Fitness. With over two dozen certifications, Shannon demonstrates a commitment to ongoing professional development.

In addition to teaching these modalities, Shannon has taught dance for over 20 years and is the Director of Hinsdale Dance Project at Hinsdale Dance Academy in Westmont, IL. Her choreography has been featured multiple times in the top 12 of the Youth America Grand Prix as well as numerous “1st Overall awards in competitions throughout Chicagoland. She is grateful for her husband, Alex, as well as her 3 children McKenna, Strider, & Brody.

Shannon believes each person has a Master Healer within themselves. The mind, body, and spirit are interconnected with each other and those around us. Let Shannon inspire you to find your sense of purpose and to achieve health & wellness.


B.A. Biology
Performing Arts Minor
Psychology Minor

BASI® Comprehensive Pilates Program

Pilates Jumpboard
CoreAlign I, II, & Bridge Training
TRX Suspension
Oov I & II
TriggerPoint Performance Therapy Foam Rolling
TriggerPoint Myofascial Compression Techniques
The BioMechanics Method Corrective Exercise Specialist
Yamuna Body Rolling I & II
Yamuna Foot Fitness
American Ballet Theater National Training Curriculum
T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutritional Studies
Frederick Stretch Therapy Level 1 & 2
Quantum Catalyst Healing™ Year Certification
Master Reiki Instructor Holy Fire® Reiki I, II, & III
Craniosacral Therapy Level 1
Vibrational Sound Tuning Forks Level 1
Raindrop Technique®
Otto Body Tuning Forks Level 1
Whole Health Healing System

Continuing Education
Wim Hof Fundamental Course
Wim Hof Power of the Mind Course
The Center Method for Diastasis Recovery with Carolyne Anthony
Rocking & Rolling to Release (Pre & Postnatal work with Carolyne Anthony)
Gokhale Method with Ester Gokhale
Chakra Wisdom – Energy Anatomy Workshop with Rick Vrenios
Pilates for Menopause with Carolyne Anthony from the Center for Women’s Fitness
Dr. Joe Dispenza Intensive & Progressive Course