Fascia Stretch Therapy™

A pain-free, table-based assisted stretching technique that uses gentle oscillating movements which calm the nervous system, decompress joints, expand space within the soft tissue, and realign the body.

Fascia Stretch Therapy™

A pain-free, table-based assisted stretching technique that uses gentle oscillating movements which calm the nervous system, decompress joints, expand space within the soft tissue, and realign the body.

Enjoy a 55 or 85 min full body stretch customized for you. Unlike traditional stretching, FST works with the body’s fascial net system. Structurally, the fascia system suspends, supports, and enables all anatomical movement from skin to cells and everything in between. Fascia can become restricted by immobility, injury, lifestyle, surgery, and even trauma & emotions. It can become compressed and shortened, diminishing space within the entire body. This can create pinched nerves, misaligned bones, and other ailments which lead to pain and reduced function.

The Fascia Stretch Therapy™ technique is pain-free and uses constant circulatory, gently oscillating movements of traction and stabilization to decompress joints and expand space in the soft tissues. Beyond gaining range of motion where needed, one experiences vastly improved kinesthesia (ability to move with ease) and proprioception (sense of one’s posture both when still and in movement). You’ll feel the difference immediately! Wear comfortable clothing for your session. Socks are optional. Please hydrate before and after your session.


In home sessions available upon request

$90 (25 Min)

(Valid for one session only)

$145 (55 Min)

(Valid for one session only)

$205 (85 Min)

(Valid for one session only)

$1399 Package of Ten
(55 Min)

(Expires 6 Months from the date of purchase)

$1999 Package of Ten
(85 Min)

(Expires 6 Months from the date of purchase)