Tuning Fork Sound Therapy

A unique modality that uses the sound and vibration of tuning forks to promote healing and well-being. This therapy helps to balance the body’s energy, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity.

Tuning Fork Sound Therapy

A unique modality that uses the sound and vibration of tuning forks to promote healing and well-being. This therapy helps to balance the body’s energy, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity.

Sound healing is an ancient practice that harnesses the power of sound vibrations to promote relaxation and healing. Sounds consist of vibrations that affect us on a cellular level, impacting brain, nerve, muscle, and organ function. Negative emotions, sickness, and injury carry a lower frequency. The tuning forks produce a vibration at a higher frequency that the body aligns to, promoting healing literally at a faster rate.

Striking a tuning fork, then holding it against an area that feels tense or painful also helps alleviate symptoms and encourages healing as the vibrations resonate through the body’s energy pathways or meridians.  Allow Tuning Fork Sound Therapy to take you into a deeper state of consciousness, where you unplug from external stimuli, raise your vibration to a higher level, and begin to heal.

In addition to the Otto Body Tuning Fork for inflammation & pain, a variety of sound meditations are available to assist with healing including:

Digestive Balance
Elements (a balancing of earth, air, fire, water)
Ether Balance (feeling emotionally lost)
Grief/Loss (Tendency to think)
Grief/Loss (Tendency toward anger)
Life Direction
Nervous System Balance & Well-Being
Sleep Quality
Spiritual Awakening


In home sessions available upon request

$70 (25 Min)

(Valid for one session only)

$125 (55 Min)

(Valid for one session only)

$360 Package of Three
(55 Min)

(Expires 3 months from date of purchase)